Tuesday 5 October 2010

Sequence examples

We were asked to collect 5 examples of sequences as part of the visual language module. These can range from animation stills to making toast in the morning.

1) Eagle in flight
Amazing sequence photography.
Shows motion of flight through still images merged together.

2) Dot - World's smallest stop motion animation
I recently posted this video but found it fascinating.
Stop motion is a great example of sequencial imagery as each frame is made up of one photograph.
'Dot' is only 9mm tall and is in a set consisting of nuts, bolts, pins and fabrics etc.
Huge amount of detail and careful planning.

3) OK Go - This too shall pass (Music video)
Similar to the famous Honda car advert.
This video begins with the 'domino' effect resulting in subsequent phases and sequences and so on until the song finishes.
The complexity increases as the video goes on with the scale being increased dramatically, from a single domino to a car moving and a piano falling.
Very creative and must have took a long time to plan.

4) Aeroplane safety instructions
A safety card similar to this will be found on all airlines in case of an emergency.
Anyone irrespective of their nationailty are able to understand the process in how they should react by simply looking at the sequence of images.

5) Ikea instructions
Ikea are notorious for including illustrated instructions with their 'do-it-yourself' furniture/items.
The images are detailed, yet informative but require no text.
Monochrome colour on cheap stock reduces cost.
Images are numbered and are easy to follow.

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