Thursday 29 November 2012

Brief 3 - Bella Type Specimen

Bella is a typeface by Face37, designed in the classical French Didot style but with a contemporary geometrical twist. They devised a limit run (250) type specimen booklet which they are currently selling on their online shop. Bound with black loop stitches, the publication is minimal in its form and layout but lets the type become the main focus — this is something we intend to look at with our own fonts in the collaboration type project.


Brief 4 - Iconography

Bond Agency devised this branding and signage system for Aschan Deli in Finland. The symbol representations of the food and drink are used throughout the identity and are formed through simple line work. The iconography is fresh and modern and although appear very geometric due to the structured line work, they are well balanced with the subtle curves — wine glass, steam etc.


Thursday 15 November 2012

Brief 2 - Carriageworks

I am now about to start the layout design for my film magazine so thought it would be useful to source some references. I instantly remembered the work by John Barton for the Carriageworks — an event where the cinema screened all of the "Oscar for the Best Picture" nominations. He created the tickets as well as a publication, outlining the film and any relevant information. The layout is clean yet the spot colour is striking.


Tuesday 6 November 2012

Brief 4 - Afterhours campaign

Sumo created this campaign for the National History Museum that combined all of their adult evening events into one united brand. Their primary focus was to ultimately make it easier for visitors to understand due to the abundant of events on offer. The subtle type treatment does not overpower the imagery and creates a flexible mark that could be applied to a range of promotional media. Seeing a campaign like this translated through the entire museum gives me inspiration for my own campaign — ensuring the brand is uniform yet engaging.
