Monday 1 November 2010

No News is Good News - Statistics

50% of active users log on to Facebook in any given day
- Facebook

About 70% of Facebook users are outside the United States

People spend over 700 billion minutes per month on Facebook

23% of Facebook users don't know about the site's privacy controls, or don't bother to use them.

42% have shared their date of birth.
- Telegraph

14% have made their address available.
- Telegraph

36% of people use Facebook to update people on their whereabouts.
- Telegraph

35% count down to events such as holidays by updating their status
- Telegraph

69 percent of Facebook’s monthly visitors worldwide either look at or upload photos
- comScore data

46% of Denmark has a Facebook account

Up to 39% of social network users admit to being “cyber-bullied”.
- (cite note 41)

1 in 13 people have a Facebook account.

The average user…

… has 130 friends
… 'likes' 9 pages every month
… has joined 12 groups
… writes 25 comments a month
… sends 8 friend requests a month

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